Sheila Field TherapyCounselling and Psychotherapy in Bath

Psychotherapists and Counsellors' supervision

I am a qualified (Diploma in Supervision) and experienced Supervisor of Counsellors and Psychotherapists, either in practice or in training.
I draw from the Seven-Eyed Model of Supervision* in my work.

Information on the days and times I work are on the 'Where and how much' page.

Please note I may be able to offer some flexibility on times for supervisees, though I do not work after 5.30pm.
I am also holding a few low cost (£45) spaces. Please contact me for an initial discussion or appointment by phone or email.

*The Seven-Eyed Supervision model developed by Peter Hawkins and Robin Shohet ( 1985,) who integrated the relational and systemic aspects of supervision in a single theoretical model.. The model is called “seven eyed” because it focuses on seven distinct aspects of the therapeutic process:
Mode 1: Focusing on the client and what and how they present.
Mode 2: Focusing on the supervisee's ways of working with the client and why they use particular interventions, we then explore alternatives and look at the possible consequences, thereby increasing the supervisee's choices and skills.
Mode 3: Focusing on the interaction between the client and supervisee.
Mode 4: Focusing on the supervisee.
Mode 5: Focusing on the supervisory relationship,
Mode 6: Focusing on my own present experience, I
Mode 7: Focusing on the wider contexts in which the work happens.


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